Thursday, September 2, 2010

iHaven't forgotten about you...

oy, where has the time gone? jenn and i really need to buckle down and give this blog some lovins.

to follow up on my last post (from 2.5 months ago) shazam contacted me back pretty quickly but didn't really offer any help to solve my problem. but guess what? it randomly started working again!

now for some actual (old)news, you can watch netflix streaming from your iphone now! did you know that? i think it's pretty much the coolest thing ever. is it an efficient use of battery power? probably not. but is it awesome? you bet your ass. and netflix is constantly adding great titles to their instant play selection so it just gets better and better. but i guess if you don't have a netflix account this is pretty pointless, huh?

i've recently downloaded some new camera apps so expect reviews of those sometime before next century. i'm sorry i don't have more to offer but camera apps are my favorites. hopefully i'll run across some non-camera apps soon!